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College Audition Tips... Advice to Our High School Selves and You!

Writer's picture: Erica GeroldErica Gerold

Just this Monday, Snapchat sent me a memory from a year ago that day. "Flashback to February 17th, 2019." I click on the photo. Enter a nervous high school senior with #14 safety pinned to her favorite green dress. Looking at myself, I couldn't believe a year had already passed since my audition to be admitted into the Rowan University Department of Theatre & Dance! Cut to 2020, just the day before I saw this picture. I am volunteering at these same auditions with the other students on performance scholarships (which boggles my mind), and I couldn't be more thankful to be among them. In the blink of an eye I am an RUTD student studying musical theatre- learning so much from working with inspiring professors I deeply admire and super talented students who I now call best friends. As I reflect on how far I've come I can see my #14 hanging up in my dorm, as well as that same green dress in my wardrobe. Senior year Erica would never believe the lessons I've learned and the growth that has come from them.

This article is dedicated to the students going through/soon-to-be going through the audition process. (Family and friends, I encourage you to pass this link along to your theatre-loving loved ones!) High school Erica was nervous as all get-out for her auditions, reading posts for audition tips, advice, what to bring, what to wear, the audition process, how to execute my monologue, what questions to ask in an interview, if I should be looking into the camera for my tapes, the financials, what materials to sing and not to sing. (I'm talking to you, "Pulled") The point is, there are articles all about this stuff. You're a Google search away from the right song and outfit. What I would like to share with all of you is something I didn't have: genuine, personal advice. Tips I've learned from being in a college for theatre, from being the one volunteering at the auditions. These are things that I truly wish I would have known as an oh-SO nervous kid in the college audition process.


Here's my "What I Wish I Would've Known" spiel. I hope it eases your nerves throughout your audition processes.

"Trust yourself- BE yourself!! I know it can be troubling trusting that you are enough for this college, this industry, but don't try to guess what type the college might be looking for. They are looking for you. Throughout the audition process, people want to know you as the unique artist and person you are, not how well you can imitate someone else.

Please keep in mind that you and the people sitting behind the table want the exact same thing- for you to succeed. The faculty, I know for sure our professors at Rowan feel this way, WANT to teach you. They're looking for your potential. Just come in and give the panel your best. After all, you don’t have to be perfect in your singing/acting/dancing, because that’s why you're going to school!! -to get that training. Let go of perfection and your outcome. Just enjoy the process and opportunity to share your art you have worked so hard on.

At the same time, colleges are also looking for more than a successful audition. Your skills should be complemented by drive, commitment, confidence, and kindness. Your performance can be greatly enhanced by the way you present yourself. In the big wide world of theatrical auditions, it is not all about your belt or perfect turns. Being nice could be the make or break that gets you through the door." -Erica Gerold


As well as my own personal advice, some of my wonderful fellow freshman theatre majors at Rowan submitted theirs:

(Acting) "Adopt an orientation of thankfulness! Someone said this to me at one of the college auditions I attended. There is so much pressure and anxiety that comes along with the word "audition." I try to think of auditions as an oppurtunity to share something I truly love to do, rather than something scary or competitive. Remind yourself how lucky you are to simply be in the room." -Emilia Weiss

(Design Tech) "Stop telling yourself, "Your work isn't that good." or "I don't have much." Just take pictures of everything, no matter how 'bad' you think it is." -Stephen Minder

(Musical Theatre) "They want you!! They don't want to judge you because they need people that are talented! Do not take rejection personally; sometimes they look for certain types of people to bring into their fold. Just be confident and have fun." -Jack Rooney

(Acting) "Have confidence in yourself!! Make sure your monologues are contrasting so they can see two different styles of what you do. When you slate, that is also the moment to be yourself and show who you are. ALSO with Rowan's devising scene (read more about this on RUTD's audition page) just have fun and don't be afraid to let loose!" -Juleigh VanDyke

(MT) "Make sure your music is marked and ready for your accompanist!! Tell your accompanist your tempo and your cutoffs; it'll help you in the long run as they are also a judge in your audition!" -Philip Caracciolo

(Acting and MT) "Don't be afraid to be nervous! Being nervous just means you care, and it's *never* a bad thing to care about something. Let your adrenaline be something that boosts you forward into being the best that you can be, instead of letting it get you worried and in your head." -Elliot Colahan

(MT) "Our very own Chris Roche tells us that "thank you" goes a very long way in this business, and that is VERY true. Be gracious and kind to everyone you meet because you never know who's watching you at any moment. If you tell yourself and the panel you're happy to be there then you will be, and your confidence and performance as a whole will benefit as a result." -Cade MacFee

(General Words of Encouragement) "Everyone here wants you to succeed! Even if it doesn't feel like it at first, I promise you they do! No matter how hard things may get, or how many times you may fail, there will always be someone rooting for you in the long run. Just hang in there. Take any negatives that may surface and use them to your advantage. This will not only make you a better artist, but a stronger individual as well. So get up, stay focused, and most importantly, never sell yourself short. Your dreams were meant to become a reality!"

-Asia Todd


I hope this post made you feel better about yourself navigating the tricky thing that is auditioning. It brings me so much joy to see people choosing this career path, to see people pursuing what they love to do. Throughout your time auditioning, always be you and remember why you love what you do. I know the business is hard, but if you find your support system and know that nothing good comes out of harping over a cracked note, you'll do just fine. Clearly if you've taken the step to go to these colleges, you're meant to be doing this. In this community, there's no room for judgement of yourself or others. Replace any negativity with kindness for all.

I feel so lucky to volunteer at our auditions, welcoming prospective students into the Rowan University Department of Theatre & Dance. If you are still considering auditioning for our department (which I couldn't recommend enough!) we still have audition dates on March 8th and April 4th. I'll be volunteering at both auditions, and I hope to see you there.

See you next Wednesday! (-and break legs! Go own those auditions.)

Erica Gerold Rowan University Musical Theatre and Public Relations '23


Erica Gerold, Rowan University Department of Theatre & Dance Auditions, February 17th, 2019.


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