Hello, and welcome to RUTDInsider! RUTD is The Rowan University Department of Theatre & Dance, for anyone who does not know. This website is our new blog, with new posts every Wednesday!
In addition to a blog, this website also features our newest Instagram posts. (Follow @rowantheatredance on IG! The link to the same @ for our Facebook is also at the TOP of our page; give us a like!) Scrolling down further, you will see our upcoming events. Hover over these images to get all the information you need to know about our nearing productions. Click RSVP for times, location, and the link to buy tickets.
I'd love to hear what kind of posts you want to see! Click on "Forum" to leave me any questions and or comments you may have. You can also send any questions you may have at the bottom of our page under the, "Contact Us," section, and I will get back to you ASAP.
RUTD has revamped its social media, with exciting posts on Instagram and Facebook five times a week. I'd love to introduce you to our team, and they'll tell you what their new content entails!
(To read more about what RUTDInsider entails, see the Wednesday section of this article.)
Instagram: Elliot Colahan
Topic: "Takeover Tuesday"
Elliot is a freshman theatre major with concentrations in musical theatre, acting, and theatre education. He will be posting what he calls, "Takeover Tuesdays," every Tuesday on Instagram. Each Tuesday, he will feature a day of the previous week from the prospective of one of our current students. Although he will share their day each Tuesday, each person can share any day from their week, allowing our followers to experience multiple different days and viewpoints. Takeovers can include classes, behind the scenes of rehearsals, the general life of a theatre/dance student here at Rowan, and even more! You never know exactly what each Takeover Tuesday is going to be like, which is part of the magic of it.
Elliot is excited to be on the social media team because he thinks our media is a wonderful way to share what we do here at Rowan with the world. Whether it’s prospective students, family members, or even other schools that find our pages, he hopes they come away with an inspiring and positive view of the work we create and the shows we perform. Elliot thinks one of our responsibilities as artists is to uplift and support one another’s work, and that’s what we do here at Rowan. Why not share that support with the world?
Facebook: Magdelyn Kelly
Topic: "Meet the PROFormer"
Magdelyn is a freshman theatre major with concentrations in musical theatre and theatre education. She looks forward to exploring the lives of our students this semester every Tuesday on Facebook and sharing quotes from our PROFormers! Be on the lookout for Facebook Spotlights on Tuesdays!
Magdelyn has loved her experience at Rowan and is thrilled to be a part of the social media team! During high school, she started her own photography business called, "Oh Snap Photography," where she set up her own website and took portraits of her friends and family. Eventually, she started getting an audience outside of the people she knew. She highly enjoyed taking pictures and running her website. Being a member of the social media team allows her to continue practicing her love of graphic design/photography for the people that she loves most: her theatre family!
Instagram: Kaya Snow
Topic: "Work in Progress Wednesday"
Kaya is a sophomore double major in dance and theatre with a concentration in musical theatre. She will be posting every Wednesday on our Instagram for what she calls, "Work in Progress Wednesday." These posts will be a great way for all to know what performances are coming up from the members of RUTD, and give a little insider's scoop on what everyone's process is like.
Kaya is really excited to share these posts and cannot wait to see how one process is so different than another. This will also be a great way of showing how many opportunities there are to perform and or create work in our department. These opportunities at Rowan are so helpful to our future careers, as well as being a great learning environment for everyone involved. Being a part of this team is so exciting because we are able to make sure we bring a larger audience and interest people in RUTD who may not be aware of all the opportunities around us.
Facebook: Erica Gerold
Topic: "RUTDInsider: Blog Posts"
Erica is a freshman double major in public relations and theatre with a concentration in musical theatre. She will be posting on our Facebook every Wednesday for her blog: "RUTDInsider." In fact, she wrote this blog you're currently reading! (She hopes you'll stay tuned every week for her new posts to come.) She also made and updates this website. RUTDInsider will feature content including interviews with current students and faculty, a behind the scenes look at our upcoming shows, insight into student life, and more! Erica hopes to base her blog posts on what prospective students and families want to read about. She is looking forward to reading through these ideas when people post them on her, "Forum," and "Contact Us," page. She also hopes to feature current RUTD students and professors who would like to be written about.
Erica is thrilled to combine her double major in musical theatre and public relations by creating, maintaining, and updating this website and blog. Taking her passion of theatrical creativity and publicity research, she couldn't be happier to have a platform to engage prospective students and their families. She is so excited to showcase her fellow students and professors, all of whom she admires greatly. Through her love of acting, publicity, and writing, she hopes to create a page that gives prospective students more than what she had when researching which college to go to. (And hopes you see that RUTD is fit for YOU, as it is for her.)
Instagram and Facebook: Natalie Donisi and Nick Flagg
Topic: "Shows, Promotions, and Events"
Natalie is a sophomore double major in psychology and theatre with concentrations in honors, child and behavioral services, and musical theatre. Every Thursday she will be posting promotional materials, insider looks at rehearsals and classes, and upcoming events in our department. Stay tuned for more!
Natalie enjoys being on the social media team because she loves sharing what our department is all about! This is the type of content she wished she could have seen as a prospective student, and she cannot wait to share our department with past, present, and future Profs!
Nick is a junior theatre major with concentrations in musical theatre, theatre education, and acting. He will also be posting on Thursdays about upcoming RUTD events such as shows, workshops, and even class insiders. -maybe even a little throwback! Follow us on Instagram @rowantheatredance and like our Facebook page @RowanTheatreDance !
Nick enjoys being on the RUTD Social Media Team because it's a fun and inviting way to share what our program is like. It also tends to allow current students to share what their personal experience is like. When thinking about what kinds of media to put out, he thinks about the things he would want to see if he were a graduating high school senior, a current student at Rowan interested in events happening on campus, or anyone curious to know what's going on. He wants anyone and everyone to hear about our program, and he thinks a creative and professional social media presence is the right place to make that happen.
Instagram: Eduardo Delgado
Topic: "Faculty Friday"
Eduardo is theatre major with a concentration in musical theatre. He will be making posts on Instagram every Friday for what he calls, "Faculty Friday." This will be him taking information from our faculty to showcase them to future students, current students, and alumni to see who the great educators are behind our program.
Eduardo is excited to be on the social media team because he loves the idea of sharing his interests with the world and making sure he can do whatever he can to sell the theatre & dance department for recruitment purposes.
Facebook: Rachel Dunn
Topic: "Dance Related Content"
Rachel is a double major in advertisement and dance. Her job is to post on Facebook about dance every Friday. You'll be seeing videos, photos and mini quotes from dance majors at Rowan.
Rachel is excited to be working on the social media team! She is confident in her advertisement skills because it's her other major. Having both dance and advertisement will definitely be beneficial in this new design for the social media team!
Instagram: Kirk Slingluff
Topic: "Spotlight Saturday"
Kirk is a sophomore theatre major with concentrations in theatre education, musical theatre, acting, and a minor in music. Every Saturday he will be posting on Instagram what he calls, "Spotlight Saturday." He will post a picture of a current or former member of the RUTD program showing what they are currently working on in the department or abroad. It will be a great way to to show both what we are working on here at Rowan and the careers of those who were previously taught here. Not only do we make artists, but we make working artists.
Kirk is excited about getting to work with a group of people so passionate about their art and the ways that we can spread what we do to more people.
Facebook: Alex Brown
Topic: "Weekly Wrap Up"
Alex is a senior double major in radio, tv, film, and theatre with a concentration in musical theatre. Every Saturday he will be posting on Facebook what he calls the, "Weekly Wrap Up." His wrap up will entail general information going on in the department with pictures of things going on that week, and some of the things we have accomplished as a department.
As you may know, Alex has been a part of the social media team for a few years now and is really excited to continue making quality content for our department for current students and alumni, as well as inviting potential incoming students to our department.
I hope you stay tuned for new content including interviews with current students and faculty, a behind the scenes look at our upcoming shows, and more! Don't forget to share our page on your social media platform; we're looking forward to another wonderful year with RUTD. Make sure to send me any questions about our department you may have, comments on what you think of these posts, and what subjects you would like to see me write about on Wednesdays to come.
See you next Wednesday!
Erica Gerold
Rowan University Musical Theatre and Public Relations '23
